Today we will learn together about How long did Jesus live in Egypt? We will learn about the journey of the Holy Family, which is the event of the escape of the child Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Joseph the carpenter from Bethlehem to Egypt, according to the account of the Gospel of Matthew, so that they would not meet King Herod, who feared that Christ would compete with him in the kingdom – as one of the attributes of Christ was that he was a king, and this will be achieved in the coming.
The second, according to Christian beliefs – he wanted to kill him through the Magi, so when he failed, he decided to kill all the children of Bethlehem under the age of two, but an oracle had come to Joseph in a dream telling him to take the child and his mother to Egypt, so they escaped and resided there until Herod’s death, before they returned to Nazareth.
How long did Jesus live in Egypt?
History preserves evidence of the first refugee journey in human history, in the time before Christ, with the departure of the Holy Family, under the guise of a moonless night.
From Bethlehem to the guarded Egypt, to save Jesus Christ – peace be upon him – an infant, from the oppression of the bloody King Herod, who ordered the killing of the children of Bethlehem, for fear of fulfilling the prophecy of the end of his rule
How long did Jesus live in Egypt? Jesus lived in Egypt for three years, as an archaeological papyrus dating back to the fourth century AD, published by the University of Cologne in Germany, confirms that the Holy Family continued in Egypt for three years and eleven months.
The story of Jesus’ Escape from Herod
How long did Jesus live in Egypt? When the Magi came looking for Jesus, they went to Herod I in Jerusalem to ask a question about the whereabouts of the newborn “King of the Jews.” Herod, I became paranoid that the child would threaten his throne, and sought to kill him.
Herod launched a massacre of the innocents in the hope of killing the child, but an angel appeared to Joseph the carpenter in He dreamed and warned him not to take Jesus and his mother to Egypt.
Egypt was a logical place to find refuge, as it was outside King Herod’s control, but both Egypt and Judah were part of the Roman Empire, and were connected by a coastal road known as the Tar.
The history of Jesus to Egypt
In our topic, how long did Jesus live in Egypt? We will go to the story of the flight of the Holy Family to the land of Egypt for fear of the oppression of Herod, who was appointed by the Romans as king of Jerusalem.
The Gospel of Matthew mentions that when the Virgin Mary felt the pains of childbirth while she and Joseph the Carpenter were registering according to the order of Emperor Augustus, she gave birth to Jesus Christ in City of Bethlehem
It happened that some Magi priests who were proficient in astronomy came from the East to Jerusalem, asking about that baby who would become king of the Jews, as the star that indicated his birth appeared in the East.
When Herod, king of Jerusalem, heard about this matter, he was afraid and disturbed, and feared the loss of his kingdom, which would be seized by that awaited child. Therefore, he secretly called the Magi to him to verify from them the matter of that star that had appeared to them.
Therefore, he secretly called the Magi to him to verify from them the matter of that star that had appeared to them, then he sent them to Bethlehem to search for the little boy and tell him his whereabouts so that he would also come to him and recognize him as the next king of the Jews.
So the Magi searched for the newborn until they found him and gave him gifts, then they left for their country without going to Herod for fear of what he might do to the newborn.
Herod became very angry because of this and carried out a great massacre in which he killed all the children in Bethlehem, thinking that the child would be among them.
But the Virgin Mary and Joseph the carpenter had fled with the child to Egypt and did not return to Jerusalem until after the death of Herod.
Movements and journey of the Holy Family in Egypt
In the context of our topic, how long did Jesus live in Egypt? The Holy Family’s journey began from Bethlehem to Gaza to the Al-Zaraniq (Al-Falusiyat) Reserve, 37 km west of Al-Arish, and entered Egypt through the Sinai Desert from the northern side of the Al-Farma (Plusium) region, located between the cities of Al-Arish and Port Said.
The Holy Family entered the city of Tal Basta (Basta), near the city of Zagazig in the Sharkia Governorate, about 100 km away from the city of Cairo to the northeast.
The city was full of idols, and when the Holy Family entered the city, the idols fell to the ground, and its people mistreated the Holy Family.
So, the Holy Family left that city and headed south, until they reached the town of Mostorod – Al-Mahamma, which is approximately 10 km away from the city of Cairo.
The word “al-Mahma” means bathing place, and it was called that because the Virgin Mary bathed Jesus Christ there and washed his clothes, and on the return of the Holy Family she also passed by Mostorod.
How long did Jesus live in Egypt? From Mostorod, it moved north to Belbeis (Philips), the center of Belbeis in the Sharkia Governorate, about 55 km away from the city of Cairo.
The Holy Family took shade at a tree known as the Tree of the Virgin Mary, and the Holy Family also passed by Belbeis on its return.
From Belbeis, the family traveled northwest to the town of “Minyat Samannoud.” Then the Holy Family crossed the Nile River to the city of Samanoud inside the Delta, and its people received them well, and Jesus Christ blessed them.
The city has a large granite stone that is said to have been kneaded by the Virgin Mary during her stay. There is also a water well that Jesus Christ himself blessed.
From the city of Samannoud, the Holy Family traveled northwest to the Burullus area until they reached the city of Sakha, currently in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate.
From the city of Sakha, it crossed the Nile River (Rashid Branch) to the west of the Delta and moved south to Wadi al-Natrun.
From Wadi el-Natrun, it traveled south towards the city of Cairo and crossed the Nile River to the eastern side, heading towards al-Matariyya and Ain Shams. In al-Matariyya, the Holy Family took shade under a tree known to this day. By Mary’s tree.
The Holy Family arrived in ancient Egypt, and the ancient Egypt region is considered one of the most important areas and stations that the Holy Family visited on its journey to the land of Egypt.
The Holy Family was unable to stay there except for a few days, inside the cave (the cave) in which it took refuge, and it is considered one of the most important landmarks of the Holy Family. In ancient Egypt
The Holy Family traveled from the ancient region of Egypt, heading towards the south. They took off in a sailboat on the Nile, heading towards Maadi today.
After that, the Holy Family reached the village of Deir Al-Jarnus (Arjanus), the center of Maghagha, and passed through Al-Bahsana until the town of Samalut, and from there they crossed the Nile to the east to Jabal Al-Tair.
Then it crossed the Nile from the eastern side to the western side and headed towards Ashmoun, and headed south about 20 km towards Dayrut Al-Sharif.
Then she left Dayrut Al-Sharif for the village of Qusqam (currently the center of Al-Qusiya), where the idol of their idol fell and was destroyed, so its people expelled them.
How long did Jesus live in Egypt? The Holy Family fled from the village of Qusqam (Al-Qusiya) and headed towards the town of “May”, located 7 km west of Al-Qusiya. The people of Mir honored the Holy Family during its presence. In the town.
From Mir, I traveled to Mount Qusqam, where the Muharraq Monastery is now located. This area of the Muharraq Monastery is one of the most important stations where the Holy Family settled, so much so that the place was called the Second Bethlehem.
This monastery is located at the foot of the western mountain known as Mount Qusqam, about 12 km west of the town of Qusia in Assiut Governorate, 327 km south of Cairo.
How long did Jesus live in Egypt? The Holy Family stayed for about six months and ten days in the cave, which later became a structure for the ancient Church of the Virgin Mary on the western side of the monastery.
The altar of this church is a large stone on which Jesus Christ sat. In this monastery, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying: “Arise, take the child and his mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child’s life are dead.”continue reading to know more about How long did Jesus live in Egypt
The Return of Jesus from Egypt
In our topic, How long did Jesus live in Egypt? After time passed, the Holy Family returned from Egypt. The text states that Herod had died
Herod is believed to have died in 4 BC, and while Matthew does not mention how he died, the Jewish historian Josephus Flavius clearly recounts a bloody death.
The region to which the Holy Family returns is identified as Judah, the only location in the entire New Testament where Judah functions as a geographic description for all of Judah and Galilee
Rather than referring to a group of religious people or Jewish people in general however, during the return to Judah initially, despite their discovery that Herod Archelaus had become the new king, they instead went to the region of Galilee.
Historically, Herod Archelaus was a violent king, and in 6 AD he was overthrown by the Romans, in response to complaints from the population.
Discovering the secrets of Christ’s childhood years
After the birth of Jesus, the Bible proved that King Herod was threatened by the flattery, 8the baby was receiving, ordering the slain of male children under the age of two in and around Bethlehem. Looking out of this in progress, Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt with Jesus, coming back to Palestine only after the death of Herod. continue reading to know more about How long did Jesus live in Egypt continue reading to know more about How long did Jesus live in Egypt.
That’s all most Westerners are acquainted with about the early childhood of Jesus ,principally because many Christians resort to protest extra-biblical stories about Jesus, and Westerners in general often disclaim stories of ancient events that cannot be confirmed by archeology or science.
conscious of that, author Perry, who grew up in a faith-rich environment, take out to find out more about the childhood of Jesus by the next loosely structured itinerary depended on the road of the family that is believed to have taken.
The experiences of Perry along the way would by themselves be amusing enough, but more importantly, they expose considerable prudence into non-Western considering about faith—especially within the Coptic Church in Egypt.continue reading to know more about How long did Jesus live in Egypt
where the faithful have no problem believing, for example, the footprint of the babies found on a stony sheet in a sewer in 1984 is that of Jesus. The travels of the portrayals of Perry partners and others he meets on his way during this journey, his narration of stories about miracles symbolled to the baby and his entertaining style accumulate to make an enjoyable read, even for mistrustful Westerners.
continue reading to know more about How long did Jesus live in Egypt !
Historical and Archaeological Evidence: Clues from the Ancient World
Would you been wondered if you know that Jesus was really born on Earth around 2,000 years ago? Did he really be in the history? Outside the Bible, is there any evidence that proof and supports his historical birth? Or we should thought that this all was fake.
I had supposed that the Christmas story was a pixie story lacking and non hold, support from any sources outside the Bible. However, in that time I determined to verify or falsify my own supposition. This article discovers archaeological and historical sources relating to the birth of Jesus. In contrast to my prior skeptical view, I find the harmony between the biblical and extra biblical data compelling.
Today, many people wonder How long did Jesus live in Egypt and was a real person who was born and walked on Earth around 2,000 years ago or not. Before discovering the fact I found myself primarily belonging to this group. However, many scholars, both Christian and non-Christian, assert today that Jesus was a real historical person at least and this was a surprise for me.
Finally I would say that many scholars and also lots of researches didn’t prove whether Jesus was fake or fact, but all l want you to know is that you will be very excited to read about him. And l gave you some titles about that. At last enjoy your reading about his birth, secrets and also his staying in Egypt.
According to the Gospels, Jesus began his public ministry around the age of 30, as stated in Luke 3:23, which mentions, “Jesus, when he began his ministry, was about thirty years of age.” The life of Jesus, often recounted in the New Testament, portrays him as the Son of God who preached, performed miracles, and gathered disciples.
His ministry lasted for approximately three years, meaning by the time of Jesus’ death, he was likely around 33 years old.
The Gospels’ account of Jesus focuses mainly on the events of his public ministry, culminating in his crucifixion. Despite the brevity of his time on Earth, the impact of Jesus’ ministry has had a profound influence on history and faith.
FAQs about How long did Jesus live in Egypt
How long did Jesus live in Egypt?
The exact duration of Jesus’ stay in Egypt isn’t definitively known. Estimates vary, ranging from a few months to a little over three years based on different historical interpretations.
Why did Jesus’ family flee to Egypt?
Mary, Joseph, and Jesus fled to Egypt to escape King Herod’s massacre of infant boys in Bethlehem, as described in the Gospel of Matthew.
When did Jesus return from Egypt?
Jesus returned to Israel after the death of Herod the Great. This took place when Jesus was likely between 2 and 5 years old.
How old was Jesus when He left Egypt?
Though not precisely documented, it’s generally believed Jesus was around 4 to 6 years old when He returned to Nazareth.
Where did the Holy Family live during their time in Egypt?
Traditions suggest that the Holy Family lived in several locations in Egypt, including Heliopolis and possibly Cairo, though exact locations are not clearly documented.
How long did Jesus live in Egypt determined?
The timeline is based largely on biblical texts and historical records of Herod’s reign, with various interpretations by historians and theologians.
Is there any significant event recorded during Jesus’ stay in Egypt?
The Bible does not record specific events during Jesus’ time in Egypt. Historians focus on their exile and eventual return to Nazareth.