Egyptian protection symbols are considered one of the most important essential elements of the ancient Egyptians The Egyptians used a variety of shapes and symbols that carried some deep meanings and expressed their religious beliefs and daily needs, These symbols were used to protect individuals from evil spirits and provide protection in the afterlife according to the belief of the ancient Egyptians.
These symbols were either small amulets carried by individuals or engravings on the walls of temples.
In this article, we will learn about some of the protection symbols of the Pharaohs so follow us.
The most prominent Egyptian protection symbols
There are a large number of Egyptian protection symbols that existed during the era of the ancient Egyptians, the most important of which are the following:
Shen Ring Symbol
This symbol was one of the most important Egyptian protection symbols in the era of the ancient Egyptians It is a circle with a line and has no beginning or end This represented the symbol of eternal protection and was carried by some birds that represented the gods at that time such as the falcon, which represented the god Horus It was also drawn on the eagle.
The word “Shen” in the ancient Egyptian language meant to encircle and this symbol represented the divine ring and it was also considered a symbol of love and romance and couples always used it in many parties and occasions.
Cobra symbol
The cobra was considered a symbol of protection for the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Egyptians considered it to protect them from the gates of the underworld The ancient Egyptians believed at that time that the cobra helped royal families cross to the underworld, The cobra symbol was associated with a large number of gods and appeared on many temple walls as a cobra wrapped around a papyrus stalk, and it appeared in the same form in many myths.
The cobra symbol for the ancient Egyptians expressed a number of their gods as it symbolized the god Webjet the god who protects Lower Egypt, and was present on the crown of the ruler of Lower Egypt Then the Qataris were gathered and this god was depicted on the walls of the temples in the form of a woman with a snake’s head This symbol also expressed the sun god and some kings and their families.
Lotus Flower Symbol
The ancient Egyptians believed that the lotus flower symbolizes birth beauty renewal and the sun in the era of the ancient Egyptians, and it was also a symbol of purity and longevity as one of the flowers that float on the surface of the water.
There were two colors for the lotus flower white and blue The white color expressed birth while the blue color expressed the unification of the two countries.
The ancient Egyptians believed that the lotus flower protected them at sunset as it would emerge from the surface of the water and open its leaves to receive the sunlight at sunrise At sunset the flower would close its leaves to get rid of the harmful rays of the sun and wait for a new sunrise.
Many other religions used it as a symbol for them other than the ancient Egyptians such as Hinduism, Buddhism Sikhism and the Kut religion, It also expressed some things in Japanese, Chinese and Western culture.
The Eye of Ra symbol
It is considered one of the most widespread Egyptian protection symbols and was drawn on the walls of many temples Some people believed that it was similar to the Eye of Horus, but many ancient Egyptians used it as an amulet to protect them from many things For them this eye represented the sun god.
The ancient Egyptians used it as a symbol for many gods such as the god Ra the god Sekhmet, and the god Hathut They believed that this eye defends them and kills everything that threatens the rule. Some ancient Egyptians also believed that the right eye represents the power of the sun and the left eye represents the power of the moon.
The Eye of Horus symbol
This symbol was known as the god of the sky among the ancient Egyptians and was used extensively by the ancient Egyptians on the walls of temples, They also used it as amulets to protect them from evil spirits as they believed at that time It also protected them from harmful animals and disease This symbol represented the royal power of the god Horus and was considered a symbol of the sun.
These necklaces were placed on some ancient Egyptian mummies to protect them inside the tomb and were made by royal families of gold and were considered symbols of stability for the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Egyptians believed that this eye was distinctive and had magical properties as it was restored by the mother of Hathor after it was disfigured during his battles with Set and was used as a magic spell for the first time after this event, so it gained great popularity in ancient Egypt and was considered one of the most important symbols of ancient Egyptian protection.
Djed Column Symbol
The Djed Column symbol is one of the most prominent types of Egyptian protection symbols as it expresses symbols and survival in ancient Egypt and this column was always written next to the name of the pharaoh and this column consisted of several layers and topped at the end with a lotus flower with some pharaonic symbols that mean that this ruler will remain alive and king of Egypt forever and it was designed in the form of a column with a wide base and narrows as it rises and indicates stability for the ancient Egyptian and reminds the individual of the existence of the gods and eternal life.
It was first designed during the reign of the god Osiris and was divided into colors, the upper part was red or green while the upright part was yellow white or black.
The ancient Egyptians believed that it contained a talisman that protected them from evil, so they considered it one of the symbols of Egyptian protection There were many celebrations held around this column, and it was placed in many tombs of the ancient Egyptians because they believed that it helps the dead to walk in the afterlife.
In conclusion we have learned with you today about the Egyptian protection symbols that the ancient Egyptians used because they believed that they protected them from some evil spirits or protected their graves and helped them in the afterlife, and we hope that you like this article.
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